Saturday, August 31, 2019

The Hidden Power of Their Intense Fragility

Almost every human being born on our planet was given a gift of romantic love at least once in a lifetime. Being in love is the condition when even the most hardened pragmatics feel themselves capable of temerarious deeds in order to impress their beloved, to make him or her smile. And during this period, most of us, people dream about writing a poem in honor to of the object of passion. Many of us even write the products of this inspiration down, but after reading them, we understand it’s no more than a bunch of words linked by that little understanding of rhyme most of us possess. Fortunately, Edward Estlin Cummings didn’t belong to that talentless majority. His poems dedicated to the beloved women brought joy and pleasure not only to their hearts and minds, but also to the souls of thousands of the worshippers of poetry. Quite a bunch of love poems went out from under his formidable pen, but the one, called ‘Somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond’ is one of the most well-known ones. Scientists argue for whether his once wife was the inspiration for this work of art, or it was some other women, but still this piece of poetry expresses the things most of the man would like to say to their beloved woman, but couldn’t find the words to do it. Some men are afraid to fall in love with a woman, as they feel as the object of their feelings will be able to take control of their life. They are afraid of that ‘power of †¦ intense fragility’ that every woman possesses over the man who loves her. Edward Estlin Cummings wasn’t scared to be possessed by those hands, which are smaller than the rain’s, it’s rather that he gave himself into the hands of his bellowed woman, getting all the possible positive experience from this condition. When I first read this poem a word for the woman, described in the poem came to my mind, which was â€Å"mistress†, a woman, whose power is in her fragility. This poem is written by a first person narrator, the author describes his own feelings towards the object of his passion. The author of the poem is marveled by the impact that woman makes on him. Thus, the tone of the poem is admiring and even a little worshipping. The person who decides to get acquainted with the Cummings’s poems should remember that this writer uses an extremely rich imagery system in his verses. Some of the researchers even claim that â€Å"the love poetry of E. E. Cummings is well known for specifically using flowers to describe a woman's sexuality or the innermost `self. †(Everything2 Website). And it’s true, that in the ‘Somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond’ he uses two main image systems which are human anatomy and nature. He compares his woman with flowers in order to emphasize her tenderness and beauty. One more characteristic feature of Cummings’s poetry which’s clearly expressed in the ‘Somewhere i have never traveled, gladly beyond’ is paraphrasing. The writer sometimes ignores the rules of the English language in order to express his feelings, to make the reader understand better the feelings and emotions that overfill him. The unconventional sound of his phrases make the reader return to them again and again in order to understand why the author had organized his writings in such a way, which gives the reader better chance to understand the message expressed by the author. As this poem is a lyric, and it’s written in an open form, some critiques say it is of no great value, but most poetry lovers value the artistic and imagery filling of the poem much higher than its conformity to the common poetry standards. In the first four lines of the poem the author explains he feels that the object of his feelings possesses the knowledge of something the writer never had any idea of, something really simple, but impossible to understand for him, ‘which (he) cannot touch because they are too near’. The next quatrain tells us this woman is capable of revealing the deepest feelings and thoughts the author has just by being near him. In the next eight lines the poet explains the nature of her power, which’s her ‘intense fragility’. In the closing quatrain Cummings tells that her beauty is one more source of her power. ‘your slightest look will easily unclose me though i have closed myself as fingers’ – the poet writes. In this lines the concept is expressed that has been proved by the experience of centuries. Through all the history of the humankind, which was created, as it’s officially thought by man, women had influenced all that crucial decisions that changed the lives of millions of people on the Earth. It often happened that the mistresses, wives or sultanas were those, who actually ruled the states because of the tremendous influence they had on their man. The older I become, the more I understand about the woman’s influence on their husbands, sons and brothers. My mother has never openly opposed any of my decisions, even if they were wrong and harmful in her opinion. She always agreed with my claims at first, but than, gradually, she made me think about the reasons why I wanted to do this or that thing, and about the consequences of my actions. Her ‘intense fragility’ was the way she used to make the man in her family act sensible and rightful. The men have always been the thrillseekers. The nature of this longing is nowadays explained by the biologists and genetics, but women knew that for thousands of years, maybe even on some subconscious level. For the man to be interested with the woman her eyes should ‘have their silence’ ‘somewhere (he) have never traveled’, ‘gladly beyond any experience’. And it’s quite understandable for me, as in my opinion the communication between the partners should enrich both of them, and it’s impossible when they knew each other thoroughly. It is said that all of those, who are deeply in love, are like the blind, they are sick with their happiness. The man, who loves is ready to get the star from the night sky for his darling, or to dedicate her wonderful poem. Those, who are really in love, are really happy, as they know for sure they’ll be together forever. Edward Estlin Cummings and his wife Anne Barton got divorced in a year after this poem was written. Their relationship didn’t survive the period needed for the ink this poem was first written with to fade. Still, today, dozens of years after the death of the poet, his wife and their relationship we open the book to read: ‘the voice of your eyes is deeper than all roses nobody, not even the rain, has such small hands’

Friday, August 30, 2019

Ethical Dimension in Religion Essay

Worldview influences the general scope of morality. Morality cannnot sufficiently stand as a separate discipline from religeon. An attempt to separate morality from religeon cannot be entirely successful. Utilitarianism has been the most powerful and ethical system in the modern times exerting influence across the world. It was propagated most eloquently by John Staurt Mill (1806-1873). Its key dimension is to judge moral action by the happiness it produces or the suffering it eliminates while maximizing benefits to the widest possible audience. This idea finds a champion in the scientific humanist who feels that relationships between individuals form the basis for the values an individual should hold. On the other hand, Marxism vouches for collective morality where all actions that lead to the prosperity of the socialist system are considered good and hence morally acceptable. The dominant religions in the world have many similarities pertaining to moral thought and conduct. They include unctions, â€Å"not to steal, not to kill, not to have certain kinds of sexual relations,† (Smart, 2000, p. 107) among others. Most of these rules actually make a tranquil society possible because without them, the society would fall into a state of anarchy, especially if these values are not upheld by a critical mass. It Is also clear that the actual particulars of these standards as expessed in practice are different, driven by different needs and environmental circumstances. Arguably, Islam and Christianity have a wide area of overlap in ethical dimension as expressed both in doctrine and in practice. The first area of considerable ethical compatibility between Christianity and Islam is on the universality of mankind. The central Christian message of love for all humanity places a demand on all practicing Christians to regard human life highly and can explain the vast humanitarian efforts pursued in expression of faith. This explains such sacrifice and devotion to the poor and the sick by well-known persons such as the late mother Teresa of Calcutta. Muslims on the other hand have a religeous duty to give alms to the poor as one of the key pillars of faith, which is an expression of universal brotherhood. Numeous Muslim aid organisations also exist to alleviate poverty and suffering among the disadvantaged in the society. When approached from the standpoint Comparative religious ethics, many similarities are seen in the actual practice of the two faiths. While Christianity does not provide for Holy wars as expressly as Islam, the concept of just wars found its way into Christian thinking and was the key rationalisation behind the crucades. It became an expression of ones faith to pick up arms and fight for the faith during the crusades as compared to the early church position where military service was considered wrong. A comparison of the facets of ethical dimension upheld by Christianity and Islam must include a look at the founders, their philosophy of human relationships, and the duty of man towards creator. Christianity has Christ as its face. He preached love and despite being diety gave himself up to be crucified. He shed nobody’s blood in his entire life but his own blood was shed. As if to immortalize his message prayed for the forgiveness of those who crucified him. He nonetheless taught that he would be coming back, this time not as a graceful redeemer, but as king and Judge. Christianity therefore gets its message of love for all from this picture of Christ. All human life is considered sacred, indeed created in Gods image, and hence in the image of Christ. Christians, in following this pattern are expected to love their enemies and to pray for them. In the area of marriage, a Christian may marry only one wife. Furthermore, it is generally difficult to proceed with divorce as a Christian as Christianity is generally averse to divorce. The Prophet Muhammad is the face of Islam. He was, â€Å"not just a man of God; he was the skillful diplomat, statesman, and general† (Smart, 2000, p. 110). This has influenced Muslim ethics so as to accommodate such concepts as holy war (Jihad) against those who impede the spread of Islam, and it goes further to actually reward those who see to it that such persons are eliminated, complete with insuarance for those who die in the process, being regarded as Holy warriors. Islam advocates for universal brother hood and this is enforced by the giving of alms, which basically raises concern for fellow man. Islam builds on this concept of brotherhood whereby all Muslims consider themselves pilgrims, with none having a superior status before Allah. As Christian cultures have become increasingly westernised, divorce has become more and more acceptable without much conflict with faith. This compares closely with the official Muslim position on divorce. A Christian is required to participate in certain rituals such as baptism and communion as a duty to God, his love for fellow makind notwithstanding. Islam places a similar demand on its adherants where some acts are purely devotional and are considered duty to God, such as pilgrimage to Mecca. It is indeed clear that although the details vary between Islam and Christianity, the practice of the two faiths is strickingly similar and does not differentiate them sufficiently from each other. Bode points out, â€Å"One’s religious being is more than whether or not one is part of some organized religion† (Bode, 1996). References Bode B. A. (2006). Dimensions of Religion: The Ethical Dimension. July 10th 2010, www. quuf. org/sermons/archives/2006-2007/ethical. pdf Smart, N. (2000) . Worldviews, Crosscultural Explorations of Human Beliefs, 3rd Ed,

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Battered Praise

Kneel on a worn leather cushion, ease into a creaky wooden pew, and stand on tired but restless legs. For what? Even with all of my praise, all God did was throw me onto the corner ropes of the ring and deliver a sharp jab with the left, then the right, right again, and finally a roundhouse kick that shouldve stopped all of the pain but never did. God didnt deliver the real blows, he let a swaggering drunk do his work for him, also known as my stepfather. From the time I was four, I carried around fresh pink, swollen welts and indigo-violet bruises blooming quickly beneath my delicate skin. While other little girls neat hair was pinned back to reveal a bright, shiny face and toothy grin, my jagged homemade haircut hung to hide the new fleshy welt on my cheek. I firmly believed God had let this happen. I never questioned the reality of God, but I questioned his righteousness. I existed to God as a punching bag. I blamed the ever-so-righteous God for all of my problems. I blamed him for the hot tears that streamed from my cerulean blue eyes, for the crippling nightmares that plagued my nights, and for the screams of my brothers that rang through the hollow halls of that broken house. God never seemed to hear my desperate prayers each night or my withered cries of pain as Warren repeatedly smacked my tiny body with a wooden spoon, or an aluminum baseball bat, or even the time he broke a glass plate over my head. The loud sound of breaking glass must have drowned my pleas. I was all alone in my suffering. It took eight long years to finally be rid of the brutal man who beat my body, crushed my hopes and dreams, and demolished my self esteem. Thats 2,920 days of endless tears, 70,080 hours of countless bruises, 4,204,800 minutes of praying for salvation, and 252,288,000 seconds of pur e hatred toward God and toward myself. Then one day it ended. Warren had thrown a swing at my mother and hit her square in the jaw. The police showed up for the hundredth time, but this time I left in my dads car with my three brothers, my mom left in an ambulance, and Warren left in handcuffs. Since that day six years ago I have lived with my wonderful father and stepmother. They strive to give me every opportunity to help me create the life I have chosen. Im growing to appreciate the person I am. My stare pierces the girl looking back at me from the mirror, and I still see a broken, terrified child cowering behind two miniscule hands. I see something else in that same reflection, I see a strong, independent woman who loves friends, family and life passionately throughout every moment of the day. A woman running toward a shining future. Now there are times where I see every flaw in myself, but who doesnt? Im human. Im allowed to have imperfections. Ive grown to trust God and to believe he is an ever-loving God. He wasnt torturing me, he was building me into the original, gorgeous, tenacious woman I am today.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Cost Concepts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Cost Concepts - Essay Example That is why HMO plans are cheaper than other plans. However, it is noteworthy that the added control over cost is achieved on the cost of quality of the health care. In this type of managed care organization, physicians offer their services at a cheaper rate. This is a mutually beneficial practice in which physicians earn more because of increased business while the patients get the services at a significantly lower cost. The FFS plans provide patients with maximum freedom in terms of choice of physician. Patients can use these plans to select a health care professional of their own choice whom they feel satisfied served by. However, the freedom amplify the cost of service they are given. In many ways, POS resembles HMO. Health care providers have the capitation arrangement for the people enrolled. However, in this type of managed care organization, there are no specific hospitals for doctors to work in. They are compensated annually for every patient they check. â€Å"Increasing the percentage of the patient population in lower-reimbursed, managed segments†¦ [and] †¦changing practice patterns across all patient populations, including higher-utilization unmanaged segments† (Majkowski, 1997). Ways in which physicians may be reimbursed in managed care organizations are numerous and vary from type to type. For example, in HMOs, physicians receive fixed salaries while in POS, the â€Å"network providers are compensated on capitation basis, however the enrollees can choose a provider outside the network, who is reimbursed on fee-for-service basis† (Virk,

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Video Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Video Analysis Paper - Essay Example The color and pomp in the video is eye catching, while the dancers in the video look beautiful as they dance to music made by a percussion band. The dance moves are consistent to the tempo of the music even though the skimpily dressed women are challenged by their high heels. The progression of the string instruments are played according to the beat tempo and excitement of the dancers. This genre of music is symbolic of youthfulness, sexuality and beauty as expressed in the costumes and props in the video. The camera works of the film direction is also consistent to the prevailing mood (Bakan 277). The carnival mood is considered chaotic and difficult to control but the film directors have been able execute the filming appropriately. The feeling and significant characteristic The feeling derived from watching this video is one that invokes happiness to the viewer. Samba music is the dominant genre in this video with a rich culture and a number of characteristics. The amount of excite ment in the genre is described as a musical explosion with several percussion instruments. The rhythms that come out of the music are created to match the instrumentation of the music. It is evident that the participants in the video seem to be competing against one another as they parade all the way through the streets of the city. The video reveals that the music genre is rhythmical and involves a lot of choreography that requires much attention to capture the best picture while filming. The amount of choreography involved in a Samba dance is one that requires utmost care especially when there are so many people involved in the film. The style of the genre indicates that the participants are used to the practices of the genre that has also resulted to an elaborate lifestyle (Mirror News 1). The film seems as though it was shot in a studio or ball room given the fact that there are minimal mistakes in the video. The amount of organization in the dances is elaborate even though the dances are performed in the streets. The relationship between videos and genre The relationship between this video and the genre as described in the textbook is that it is sensitive to the prevailing culture of the surrounding society. The carnival is a cultural event while Samba is provides the means for the participants to express themselves based on their cultures. This video provides a substantial illustration on the expectation of the participants during the event. This event is taken seriously because of the cultural significance associated to it. Samba music provides those who are involved with the opportunity to express their true feelings during such performances. The relationship between the Bhangra video and the genre is that it bridges the gap between its musical application and interactive inclusion of the audience. The music genre is also dominated with a combination of percussionist drums that indicates who and modern instrumentation. The video also illustrates that t here are a number of new modes of talking part in the performance (Mirror News 1). The modes involve understanding of the essential dance moves as illustrated in the video. The filming technique of the video is illustrative of the amount of professionalism employed to illustrate the best performance. There is also a substantial amount of good film direction that is essential for most film

Monday, August 26, 2019

Socio-Cultural Turn in Public Relations Scholarship Essay

Socio-Cultural Turn in Public Relations Scholarship - Essay Example Due to this fact, the social world has not had its fair share of this research as far as public relations are concerned . It is a well-known fact that organizations do operate in the social world full of cultural diversity and any communication or decision that does not take into account the interests of the socio-cultural dimension is ineffective. This is because such public relations may not go down well with a section of persons in the social scene . Public relations scholarship has in turn taken a new dimension to meet the emerging interests by the society and culture. It has become evident that public relations scholarship cannot be the reserve of organizations alone but ought to incorporate such aspect of life as anthropology, storytelling, cultural studies, and pragmatism as a whole . These methodological approaches encompass both the practical and the theoretical aspects of various disciplines ranging from post-colonial life, sociology, political economy, cultural, and ecological studies . Recent studies have proved that when scholars engage in the new ways of public relations like extracting interviews especially from those who specialize in that particular field, they tend to expand their communication insight and gain more inspiration . This enables them to face the social world with confidence and a new perspective of handling diverse personalities as these also, exist in the world where organizations operate. In the face of multiple communication channels and strategies, it has become apparent that public relations and public relations scholarship should not suffer constraints and limits. This extends to the fact that currently organizations are the only institutions that get the recognition of managing their affairs as far as public relations are concerned9. Public relations culture and infrastructure Public relations, when viewed from the cultural perspective, must pay due attention to the general as well as the specific territorial aspects of the culture. The m ain components of the territorial infrastructure of the public relations are the civil society, the political and economic system, the media system, and the socio-cultural system10. Both culture and public relations are a function of the existence of human beings in that the man is the originator of culture and creator public relations therefore the two can work better if man incorporates them to

Sunday, August 25, 2019

To be discussed with the writer Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 8500 words

To be discussed with the writer - Dissertation Example A marketer should be able to capitalize on the existing opportunities. With the aim to evaluate the most effective form of marketing to the 16-25 year-olds, this study was undertaken. Research aims and objectives were laid out and after extensive literature review, qualitative secondary data was gathered and analysed to arrive at the outcome of the study. The study finds that this age group is dynamic, on the move, engages in multitasking and has moved away from the traditional forms of media consumption. They are technically savvy and rely more on user reviews than marketer claims through advertisements. Both iPhone and Nike has been trying to develop value-proposition for their customers but Nike clearly has a robust strategy in place that has given it edge over competitors. Apple’s iPhone, on the other hand, lags behind due to its strategy to steer clear of social media. Nike’s constantly evolving strategy of social media helps them keep their customers engaged in di fferent ways while iphone is losing out on the youth segment as it has not been able to harness the potential of social media. The most effective form of marketing to the youth would be through the social media as it helps marketers to reach out to and fulfil customer needs better than competitors. Iphone has a product-push approach to marketing while Nike’s approach is customer-led. ... iew 6 2.1 Chapter Overview 6 2.2 Definition of marketing 6 2.3 Marketing Strategy 7 2.4 Consumer Behavior 12 2.5 Consumer Behavior of the target segment 14 Chapter III Methodology 15 3.1 Research Philosophy 15 3.2 Research Design 15 3.3 Research Methodology 15 3.4 Choice of Method 15 3.5 Data Collection 16 3.6 Justification for Secondary Data 17 3.7 Data Analysis 17 3.8 Reliability and Validity 17 Chapter IV Findings and Discussions 18 4.1 Findings 18 4.1.2 Marketing Strategy of iPhone 18 4.1.3 Marketing strategy of Nike 22 4.2 Discussions 26 Chapter V Conclusion & Recommendation 29 5.1 Conclusion 29 5.2 Limitations of the Study 31 5.3 Recommendations for further research 31 Appendix†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.36 Chapter I Introduction 1.1 Background The effectiveness of marketing is ascertained based on how effectively a marketer is able to reach out and fulfill customer needs better than competing firms. It is effective marketing that has enabled Apple to venture into diversified products such as iPod and Macbook successfully. A sound marketing strategy enables an organization to leverage its strength and capitalize on opportunities existing in the market (Ferrel, 2011, p1). Organizations need to develop and plan a systematic process for developing customer-oriented marketing strategies and marketing plans suitable to its external and internal environment. The function ‘marketing’ has successfully migrated from being a mere functional discipline to being a concept of how businesses should be run (Greyser, 1997 cited in Hooley, Piercy & Nicouland, 2009, p3). Today marketing for most managers, centers on identifying and satisfying

Business Project Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Business Project Management - Essay Example Project management process involves four major functions. These are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Planning is the first stage of project management process and evaluation of a project is done in wide areas of the project i.e. cost required, future cash flow, possible risks etc. Project life cycle estimation is also important activity in this stage. Second stage of project management process is organizing. In this stage, the required resources are organized like capital, labour, material, equipment and facilities etc. Capital refers to both the initial investment and fund required for management working capital. Leading is the third stage project management process and it is very much crucial for completion of a project with quality work and ensuring deadline. The main objective of leading is to ensure right job to right people and motivating them to get best output. Controlling is the final stage of project management process where the project is continuously monitor ed. Progress of the project is evaluated and compared with the proposed project progress plan. Developing effective strategies and change of ineffective strategies of project development is main part of controlling a project (Smith, L. 2003, p.4). Therefore, overall objective of project management should be performing these four project management functions very efficiently and effectively in an organized framework. This is the job of a project manager. To complete or continue a successful project, the project manager needs to be planned and executed for each small stage of the overall project. This will help to develop and implement contingence in critical situation during project development process. Discussion Answer 1 Resources Resource is one of the most important primary objectives of a project. It includes mainly people, material and equipment i.e. the major non financial resources. Availability of skilled employees is one of the main focused areas of businesses because skill , knowledge and experience of employees have substantial impact on quality output and progress of a project. Again, sufficient supply of people leads to low wage rate and total wage of a project and vice-versa. Therefore, this important resource needs to evaluate at the planning stage of project management process so that project deadline, cost and quality work can be ensured. Next important resource is equipment which is very necessary to do the project task or activities. Technology plays a great role in this resource as use of hi-technology equipment reduces completion time or faster production and more output. Again, the employees also need to very much familiar with the advanced technology equipments as they need to operate the equipments efficiently to ensure better output. Material is another important resource of project as it is needed to produce the products. Therefore, sufficient and continuous supply of raw material is necessary for project. Material is necessary for bot h construction and production unit projects. Time Time is one important factor of project management. Project deadline and progress of a project can be ensured by efficient time management. It includes working hour of the employees and daily, weekly or monthly work progress. Again, time management can be aided by using tools, techniques and skills to accomplishing specific work activity or goal within due date. Therefore, to develop specific goal or work target, minimum time need to be considered to reduce total

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Women's Involvement During Word War II Research Paper

Women's Involvement During Word War II - Research Paper Example The importance of this lay in the immense economic and sexual changes that then gave way to new formations in the family and the workplace. This paper shall look at these and the role that women had to play in the Second World War that led to the changes that have been talked of. The creation of the fictional character James Bond can be seen in the light of the wound that the collective masculinity of the British suffered following the Second World War. This can be seen in the hyper-masculine rhetoric that Ian Fleming employs in this series of novels where he builds up the British agent as a super-male. After the loss of colonies following the war, British soldiers returned home to find that many of their jobs had been taken up by the women who had till then been a part of the home and the family. They had, during the war, since many frontline positions had been taken up by the men, taken up the posts of office workers that had been left vacant. This shows that the women were a part of the war that created a void in the land where the war was not an everyday reality as it was on foreign land. This shows that the records of bravery that have been recorded regarding the war have been masculine accounts that have been made to suit the male needs of history. There are also accounts that say that women, especially those women who are a part of lower class backgrounds, have always worked for a living and to supplement their family’s income. In the cases of people of African American communities, it has always been the case that women have contributed a significant part to the economy of the land (â€Å"The Image and Reality of Women who Worked During World War II†, n.d.). Such commentators look at the recruitment of women during the Second World War as nothing but a channelization of the energies that women had directed towards other fields towards that of the war. This direction of energies towards the war resulted in an increase in the social status t hat was enjoyed by women and women of all races. A lot of the women were a part of the Nurse Corps that was instrumental in the reduction of the number of the casualties during the war. They were also sometimes a part of the army that fought at the frontline. Apart from this, there were women who were a part of the communities that stayed at home and created items that were necessary for the victory in the war. This included those women who worked in factories so as to keep the war a well-oiled machine and also those who would collect blood and roll bandages so as to keep the work of the nurses going. This led to great improvements in the way the war was fought and was also a great morale booster for the people who were at the frontline of the war (National Women’s History Museum, 2007). Despite these changes, even during the war, women were seen as secondary to the larger idea of serving the interests of the men who were at the forefront of the war. They were mostly paid les ser wages than the men and they were also viewed with a great deal of suspicion. This can be seen from the fact that they were not a significant part of the trade unions that came up following the war. They were also laid off by many employers or were forced to work at lesser wages than the men who returned from the war. This was very different from the attitudes that were adopted by the people who had employed them when there was an acute shortage of labor in the industries. What the women felt following the euphoria of the victory of the war was a sense of betrayal